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Seminars and Workshops

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Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a pseudoscientific approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy. There is a connection between neurological processes (neuro-), language (linguistic) and behavioral patterns learned through experience (programming), and that these can be changed to achieve specific goals in life. 


3G Malaysia is proud to conduct an application NLP techniques in your personal and professional life seminar. Our speaker, Dr. Magimai Pragasam is the Director of Center for Communication and Mind Management, Chennai, India


We would like to edge everyone to join the online seminar for future betterment

Sustainable Living the way forward for Earth's sake

Dr. Sultan Ahmed Ismail


Seminar Report by Ms. Akanksha V. Ranawaka


Seminar on goal setting

2012-2014, Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia

A seminar on goal setting was organised for Global Giving Group members to plan ahead their lives, to give a perspective towards what they wanted to achieve in their lives and give a motivation about the causes of 3G.

2014 Seminar on Partnership for the goal

Seminar on Partnership

10-04-2014, Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia

A seminar on partnership for the goals was organised by 3G Albukhary International University for all the members. Dr. John Britto Parisutham gave the key note address. Group discussions, Panel discussions and general sessions were held to understand the sustainability goals and the way forward.


Conference on Sustainability

2012-2014, Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia

Members of 3G Albukhary International University participated in the international conference on "University leadership for integrating knowledge diversity for sustainability" from 5-7 October 2012. 

The students actively participated in a panel discussion on sustainability, staged a drama called "Back to sanity, Back to unity", released a book on diversity namely "fEAST", arranged an exhibition on the theme of the conference. 

Later the students participated in the activities, coordinated by Mr. John B. Parisutham, formed a group called SILK (Sustainable Indigenous Livelihood Knowledge) that later turned to be "Global Giving Group (3G)"

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Workshop on Partnership for the goals

12-04-2014, Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia

Members of 3G Albukhary International University came together for a day to laugh out loud and find the equilibrium among themselves to take up the causes of 3G and become a team to achieve the same.

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Seminar on Partnership for the goals

10-12-2013, Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia

First get-together of 3G members was organised to get to know the vision and mission of 3G. The importance for clinging together to achieve was felt in the gathering where traditional Cambodian food was prepared and shared by the members themselves. A few group games were played for the folks to get united.

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Seminar on Partnership for the goals 201
Seminar on Partnership for the goals 201
Seminar on Partnership for the goals 201
Seminar on Partnership for the goals 201
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Seminar on communal harmony and peace

10-04-2014, Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia

According to UN, 50% of the world's children experience violence every year. Communal harmony, peace, love, justice are the need of the hour. A seminar was conducted to understand that people have to learn to live together.

Prof. Evengelos Afendras from Greece, Dr. Bennet from South Africa and Ms. Grace from Philippines were the guest of honour.


3G is a global network of leaders who visualise and work for a world where all people can live together amicably and live with nature harmoniously. They will make a difference in themselves, in their communities and across the globe.


35, Trillium Boulevard

Cranbourne North

Victoria 3977


No. A0103217Y

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