Sri Lanka
3G Sri Lanka Team

Mohamed Hussain
President 2018-2021

Faseeha Hathim
Vice president 2021

Akansha Ranawaka

Mohamed Nuzhy

Siddiqua Asrabeen

Mohamed Alfaz

Shakira Asrabeen

Rashard Doole

Zeenath Zuhair

Mohomath Imthath

Tahira Mohothar

Mohamed Zain Rashath

Shanaz Thaha

Mud. Kamal Sharaff

Rishani Cader

Muqsith Ibrayin

Haseena Ahamed
3G Sri Lanka Planting
As a follow up of the seminar on "Sustainable Living, the way forward for Earth's sake, Faseeha Harthim and Shakira Asrabeen have started an online planting challenge.
Faseeha Harthim, Vice President, 3G Sri Lanka starts the challenge.
John B. Parisutham, Founder 3G, takes up the challenge.
Sustainable Living the way forward for Earth's sake
Dr. Sultan Ahmed Ismail

Seminar Report by Ms. Akanksha V. Ranawaka
Inviting all 3G members for an interactive seminar on 'Sustainable Living: The way to move forward' conducted by Dr. Sultan Ahmed Ismail, director of Ecoscience Research Foundation in Chennai, India. This event is organized by 3G Sri Lanka.
The seminar is free to attend for all 3G members. Please do not miss this opportunity!
Mohamed Husain
President - 3G Sri Lanka
Faseeha Harthim
Vice President - 3G Sri Lanka
3G Sri Lanka BOD 2021
5th February 2021

3G Sri Lanka annual meeting was held on 5th February 2021, Friday at 5.30 PM (Sri Lankan time). It was organized by Mr John Britto (Founder of 3G) and Dr Vinothini (Executive President) and conducted by Mr Husain Mohamed (President of 3G - Sri Lanka). 18 members attended the annual meet, including representatives from other 3G groups such as 3G Malaysia. Auditor Feroz Khan, from Singapore, graced the event as the special guest.
1. Introductory speech by each 3G member present
3G members introduced themselves and shared their experience on how they went through the pandemic.
2. Special guest speech by Auditor Feroz khan
Auditor Feroz Khan shared his experience and thought on 3G’s vision and the importance of nurturing children in the modern era.
3. Recollection of past projects of 3G Sri Lanka – Orphanage visit, Matale in 2018
3G Sri Lanka’s first ever project, along with the launching of 3G Sri Lanka, Members recollected the memories.
4. Brainstorming session on projects for 2021
A fruitful discussion was held during the brainstorming session. Two main projects were proposed to conduct in 2021. Pros and Cons were discussed and every member actively involved throughout the session.
5. Re-electing board members
6. Forming a committee for the new projects
Suggestions and Changes
1. Virtual meetings for all international 3G members to share ideas and views on projects new and old, was suggested by Ms Rushana Yusanova.
2. A 3R (Reduce - Reuse - Recycle) project that promotes environmental awareness was proposed by Ms Shakira Asrabeen. It was agreed to be put on hold until the pandemic ceases.
3. A virtual contest for children to promote unity and tolerance was proposed by Mr Husain Mohamed.
4. Mr Husain Mohamed was re-elected as the president of 3G – Sri Lanka for the year 2021
5. Ms Faseeha Harthim was elected as the vice president of 3G – Sri Lanka for the year 2021
3G – Sri Lanka Projects for 2021
1. Video Competition for children to promote unity in Sri Lanka – to be commenced in March, 2021
Committee Members
Ms Faseeha Harthim (Chairperson)
Mr Husain Mohammed
Mr Nuzhy Sulaim
Mr Mafahir Mahroof
Ms Tahira Mohothar
Ms Haseena Hamed
2. 3R (Reduce - Reuse - Recycle) Project to create Environmental Awareness as suggested by Ms Shakira Asrabeen – to be commenced on a later date when pandemic situation ceases.
Committee Members – Not appointed yet.
The meeting was concluded by Mr John Britto at 7.30PM (Sri Lankan time).
Mr John Britto – Founder 3G, Dr Vinothini Josiah – 3G International, Mr Husain Mohamed – President of 3G Sri Lanka, Mr Feroz Khan – Special Guest, Ms Rushana Yusanova – 3G Russia, Mrs Nurul Syuhadha – Past President of 3G Malaysia, Ms Kalaiarassi Thiagaraja – 3G Malaysia, Ms Magesvary Murugiah – 3G Malaysia, Mr Prabha – President 3G Malaysia, Shanaz Thaha, Shakira Asrabeen, Nuzhy Sulaim, Mafahir Mahroof, Tahira Mohothar, Rishani Cader, Haseena Ahamed, Faseeha Harthim, Akanksha Ranawaka - All from 3G Sri Lanka.
Report prepared by: Faseeha Harthim

3G Inauguration and donation to Kohombiliwela Buddhist Orphange
31.12.2018, Mathalai, Sri Lanka
The last day of the year 2018 was special for Sri Lanka. Members of 3G Sri lanka gathered at Kohombiliwela Bauddha Balika Orphanage, Matale, Kandy, Sri Lanka to start their humanitarian services.
Papa John, founder 3G and Arul Jenet, Treasurer 3G participated in the event.
There were two separate events, one for boys and another for girls to develop their personality skills. Members donated a set of books for the orphanage, monthly electricity bill and food for a day for 52 children.

Visit to 3G Sri Lanka members' families
December 2018 and January 2019
What a lovey families! What a revelation about multi-cultural society of Sri Lanka. Papa John, founder of 3G and Arul Jenet, Treasurer of 3G experienced the ordinary day today lives of Sri Lankan people.
The informal discussion with them about the economical, social, ecological, cultural and political arena of the country helped a lot to strategise and plan the nature of help and the target group.
Thank you all the members and their families for their heartfelt hospitality, their smile and sumptuous food.